Brand Unity Online: How to Stay Consistent and Recognizable

A product, business, or person’s brand is how it is viewed by those who interact with it. Your brand is the instantly recognizable feeling that your company’s name and logo conjure. Employees, investors, the media, and, perhaps most crucially, your customers all have a mental memory of your brand.    Essentially, brands are people’s mental […]

Black Hat SEO vs White Hat – and Why You Should Care

Contrary to the mental imagery it evokes, SEO professionals do not wear multicolored hats. The origins of the term date back to the classic Westerns where the bad guys generally wore black hats and the good guys wore white hats. These terms are used in the SEO industry as well as in the wider hacker […]

The Beginner’s Guide to Online Marketing

If you’re a small business owner in Reno (Vegas, Henderson), you probably have a lot of questions about online marketing. How do I know what my customers want? How will I reach them? What’s the best way to spend my limited company resources on marketing? And so many other questions, whether you’re targeting the digital […]

How To Build and Protect Your Online Reputation

When you’re running a business, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running your company. But if you don’t take some time to focus on how you’re going to build your online reputation, you could be leaving yourself open to all kinds of problems down the line. With the popularity of […]

How to Use SEO to Optimize Your Digital Marketing Budget

In today’s world, it is understood that it is essential for any business to have a digital marketing plan or strategy. Digital marketing is a crucial marketing strategy to help brands and companies generate leads and retain existing customers.    The saying “if you are not online, you are invisible” speaks volumes regarding building a […]

The Unintended Consequences of A Bad Hire

The stress of hiring and recruitment is real.   There’s no doubt about it—when you’re looking for a new employee, it’s easy to focus on the process: what qualifications are you looking for? What kind of culture do you want to create? What’s your budget? How will you know if someone is a good fit? […]